By Gerri Leventhal – New Jersey Broker
Nothing makes a person feel better than knowing they own the property they live on. Paying rent and living by a Landlord’s Rules is stressful.
One never really feels they are living free until they own property. When you own it, you can do with it as you like. The place is yours so you do not have to explain your actions to anyone.
Buying a new property is not about what the previous owner used the place for or envisioned what the property would or could be used for. It is all yours now! As long as you abide by the zoning and construction laws, turn your place into whatever your dream is.
Know that zoning laws are not set in stone.
One can partition the zoning board or courts to try to get a variance, for doing something a little out of the ordinary. Laws can be changed to let you do things that are not presently allowed, at your location.
You can lobby your local politicians and thru legislation have a zone changed.
You naturally want your property to be set up to your individual tastes. You bought the place assuming you could make adjustments so that your property would function to please you. Getting your Real Estate just right may require some construction work and landscaping. But you have plenty of time to introduce your improvements.
Like most of the animal kingdom, humans too, like to mark their territory. “This is my house and my lawn reaches from that tree line all the way to the road over there then to that fence.”
Many of us put up a plaque or sign with our name on it, ‘The Miller’s’. Others only nail up the mailing street address numbers, ‘702 north’ or ‘18 South Beckel Lane’.
Some others add a luxurious sounding title to their homes, ‘The Jones Estate’ or ‘Hardcourt Manor’ or Chateau Wilderberry or the Buchanan Ranch…
Many lay out the welcome mat while others tack up signs warning, KEEP OUT!
If your ‘NO TRESSPASSING’ signs are being ignored, perhaps stating [DANGER Guards Dogs on Duty, Trained to Bite!] will make people think twice before stepping on your land.
Most new home owners want to set a tone right away. They may be proud of an aspect of their lifestyle so they decorate accordingly. Yes we Americans are especially proud of how green our lawns are. Our gardens win awards.
We want to say, “This is my home.” And, “Look at this house, it represents me and my values.”
The point is that homes take on the personalities of their owners.
We add whatever we feel is missing; a fireplace, a backyard pool, an extra guest bathroom… We paint, plant trees, build on a porch or lay the bricks down for a backyard patio. We fix up our basements and attics. We add a slate walkway.
Remember a home is special when its owner thinks it is special.
If scrolled woodwork is important to you, you will pay anything to add some to your home.
Everyone has their own idea about what makes a home wonderful.
Many people do not care about costs as long as they get to live in a certain upscale community or neighborhood. Others look for the physical features of a house. Is it sturdy? Were the best materials used to build it?
To some the property’s land matters most. They will build the house they want there, if the land is adequate.
Stunning or Tranquil views of mountains, lakes, plush valleys or the ocean are often deciding factors that buyers are looking for.
People who are on the go want easy access to highways and nearby shopping malls. But plenty of folks search long and hard to find a place that is far, far away from any neighbors.
The eco-friendly niche is always exciting and forever newsworthy too. For Realtors whose expertise is in energy efficiency and pollution control, the business publicity opportunities never cease coming.
Environmental concern is an easy subject to adapt into any other real estate niche too. All demographics of clients worry about our planet. All also want to save money on their energy bills.
So if as a Realtor you specialize in consulting to single parents raising school age children or maybe your specialty is finding newlyweds their first home or you are aspiring to be the local expert at helping retirees downsize… you can add eco-friendly realtor to any of those titles too.
Remember, Realtors change people’s lives!
Your clients are putting their happiness and futures in your hands.
So if you are a Relocation Specialist Realtor, be the best damn Relocation Specialist you can be.
If you are supplying affordable student housing, learn all there is about every available living accommodation near the schools you serve.
If you want to focus on distressed properties like foreclosures then it is time to get out and mingle with your local bankers, lawyers, auctioneers and house flippers who live and thrive in this hectic, time sensitive sector of the markets.
You have to learn and thoroughly understand the difference between foreclosures and pre-foreclosures as well as master short selling strategies. When time and speed are of the essence you and your clients cannot afford to dilly-dally around. You have to get comfortable with folks that deal in cash. How good are you at negotiating AS-IS Sales for properties that need some fixing up?
TIP: Smart Realtors pick a niche to excel at based on first studying their local market. Consider the types of properties that are up for sale and the price ranges they are going for recently. Next, get to know your client preferred niche inside and out.
You need to connect and network with everyone doing business with your niche clients.
New Agents… you are in the ‘Providing Opportunities’ Business.
You are the new breed of American Dream Consultants.
Helping your niche clients achieve the American Dream of owning property is very satisfying work, if you can even call it work. I call it a PRIVILEGE!
MORE INFO: Expand your education on these important Real Estate Agent Topics and gain Realtor Skills.
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