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The Art & Science of Real Estate Consulting



     Here’s Your Guide to Solid Real Estate Business Development. Gain Referrals, Master Online and Offline Marketing Strategy, Create Great Neighborhood Word-of-Mouth Advertising, Build Your Business Persona and Your Brand Image, Synchronize All Your Efforts to Cross Promote. Put in place good daily business habits. See the whole Realty Scene and business picture. Gain more than a few legs up on the other Realty Agents working your territory.

     Here, Author Realtor Broker Gerri Leventhal offers a new book to help Realtors learn how to manage, run, promote and market their Real Estate Business successfully and competitively in All Market Conditions. The new book addresses the many business risks faced by today’s Realty Agents as well as explaining the many new opportunities presented by leveraging emerging technology in novel ways. Never before in history have Realtors had so much data and info at their fingertips that can be used for advising clients as well as courting new clients.

     Turning average Realtors into extraordinary Realtors in this day and age with real promising long term careers in local property consulting requires the wisdom of an experienced Realty Agent Trainer and Broker who has seen and struggled through a lot of shaky Real Estate Market Conditions prosperously. All Realtors will find the Art and Science of Real Estate Consulting illuminating and instructional. Gerri Leventhal writes inspiringly about building proud Real Estate Careers ethically. She infuses confidence in her readers while arming them with new skills,info and methods they need to compete in today’s markets and win.You’ll learn how the Best, Top Real Estate Agents dominate their consulting sales territories.

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Tomorrows Real Estate Agent



     Description- Realtors, here’s all the Online and Offline Realty Business setting up advice and marketing tools you’ll ever need. Finally, your time tested Realtor’s business game plan! Get your website and blog up and sending you clients. Tweet, e-mail and social post persuasively! Burst onto your Local Real Estate Scene while other Realtors are still doing their marketing yesterday style. Crush your competition!

      Modern Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Agents. How to list, sell and find property consulting opportunities in any market. Learn the best ways to compete locally with established, deep pocket, seasoned Pro Realtors and all the nationally branded companies flooding cyberspace by using your Local Internet knowledge and Tech Suave! Yes, you too can break into the lucrative, property buying and selling business fast, dominating your targeted neighborhoods by leveraging popular technology! 

     Tips to gain Web traffic to your website, blog and social media accounts are all discussed. E-list building coaching is included along with neighborhood niche, lead generating tips, target marketing and local brand establishing advice.Blog and social post writing tutorials are geared towards helping you attract local real estate customers and starting relative, neighborhood blog and other online conversations that stir your notoriety throughout cyberspace while also assisting with your offline networking campaigns throughout your community.


The Fundamentals of Realty Consulting



     Realtors, fill your day planner with appointments. Be a better Realty Consultant. Become a Top Local Agent. Find new Leads. Get your marketing game in shape. Compete to win! Improve your sales pitches. Elevate yourself and your services above your competition. Learn time tested promotional strategies. Negotiate better! Work more productively with purpose. Be known as the Local Property Expert.

     Top Realtors need leads. The Fundamentals of Realty Consulting by Gerri Leventhal teaches marketing, promoting, selling, low cost advertising, brand building, traditional offline PR tactics and online digital market scene domination. The goal is for you to establish yourself as a local property niche expert so you can set up and nurture a referral based business that lasts through your markets ups and downs, providing you with a constantly growing business long into the future. You will learn how to break the stigma that all Realtors are equal by setting yourself and your consulting services apart from the herd. You’ll learn networking on steroids!

     Author, Realtor and Broker, Gerri Leventhal has been coaching Realtors to success for many years. She has sold all kinds of properties under a ton of varying situations. Gerri’s experience is your gain. She has walked miles and miles in your shoes and she will steer you clear of the traps and road blocks many agents do not see coming. Most of all Gerri Leventhal will teach you how to find profitable business.

     Jammed with practical advice, industry tips, marketing secrets as well as best business practices; the Fundamentals of Realty Consulting by Gerri Leventhal will get you in the right frame of mind while guiding you in the correct direction to explode your Realty Business. Best of all you will be taught how to keep Real Estate Consulting fun for yourself and your clients as well as profitable!


Blogging Realtors



     Learn How Top Realtors Use the Internet to Build Relationships, Gain Biz Leads, Connect to the Communities to Which They Wish to consult and discover markets and you too can quickly become a forceful voice in your local market place.This is a super success training program for start-up bloggers seeking to earn and secure their place in their Local Realty Scene. Find out why I tell all my students…Blogging is the most fun and efficient way I know of to build up a Local Realty following FAST!!

     Novice Agents, struggling Real Estate Agents, seasoned Realtors and all Real Estate Industry Professionals can learn, how to grow a profitable local authority business from reading Blogging Realtors ~ Realtor Blogging Secrets by Gerri Leventhal. Soon everyone will be looking to you and your blog as the soundest source of advice, tips and information relating to the most important community subjects as well as the local Real Estate Scene.

     Now, starting and running your Local Real Estate Blog has never been easier, more fun, rewarding and profitable. Order your copy of Gerri Leventhal’s Blogging Realtors ~ Realtor Blogging Secrets TODAY!

The Real Estate Agent’s Career Success Blueprint




     Description- First year Realtors and Seasoned Realty Agents learn everything you need to become the top Agent in your sales territory. Finally Real Estate Marketing is explained by a top trainer. You will be guided by a seasoned expert on how to compete, negotiate and sell. Find clients, prospect and network throughout your local community, online and offline. This is tested and proven Real Estate Training!

     Realtors, You need a proven strategy to succeed in the competitive Real Estate Industry. The Realtor’s Career Success Blueprint teaches Licensed Realtors how to market, find clients, convert leads and manage a profitable Local Real Estate Business. You will learn how the Top Real Estate Agents dominate their sales territory with innovative, proven, promotional tactics and sales lessons. Realtor, Author, Real Estate Broker Gerri Leventhal explains how she and other Realtors have been able to run a thriving consulting business through any up and down market conditions. For more than twenty years Gerri Leventhal has helped people, companies and organizations buy and sell property in lucrative Northern New Jersey, the fast moving suburbs of New York City. Gerri also trains and mentors new Realtors one on one and in classroom settings for various field offices around the country.

     In this manual you get the Real Estate Career Business Basics explained, as only one who has been there and done that can. You will learn how to negotiate like a champion for your clients. You will receive a thorough, tricks of the trade, marketing education. There are business management and organizational methods and strategies to steer you clear of the mistakes that most new Agent s make. This book is a complete, comprehensive, easy to understand, follow and grasp, learning opportunity for taking one’s Real Estate Career to the next level. Learn everything important that was not covered by your Real Estate Agent’s Exam School. Learn how to market yourself and promote your services to the general public, to all cultures plus there is a section on consulting to the very wealthy that you will not want to miss. With The Real Estate Agent’s Career Success Blueprint, your future in Realty is unlimited.

     First year Realtors and Seasoned Realty Agents will gain everything needed to become the top Agent in their sales territory. Finally Real Estate Marketing is explained by a top trainer. You are guided by a seasoned expert on how to compete, negotiate and sell. Find clients, prospect in multiple niches and network throughout your local community, online and offline. This is tested and proven Real Estate Training!


Online Traffic For Local Realtors – Cyber Buzz



     Description- Find More Leads, Prospect More Efficiently, Gain More Listings, Sign More Clients, Close More Sales and Profit! Find and communicate with large targeted online website audiences. Engage in compelling Social Media and Blog Conversations. Compile powerfully specialized niche opt/in e-mail lists, leverage the right web platforms, stages and online gathering places. Create and publish important digital content that folks share and promote for you. Learn how to get personal, and involved when you write so you connect and becoming an expert in your chosen Realty niche.

     Realtors everywhere are boosting their business with the Wisdom they learn from Cyber Buzz, the New Age Realtor’s Marketing Course filled with promotional strategies, local business branding ideas and business management advice structured by a Realtor for Realtors! Real Estate Agents need job preparation marketing courses designed to teach how to stir up Real Estate Leads, find New Realty Clients, support       Community Business Networking and create local business buzz online and offline.

     The timing of Real Estate’s – Cyber Buzz: Online Traffic for Local Realtors by Gerri Leventhal is very relevant. The Real Estate Business Strategy and Theory in these pages will be determining the new rules of the Realty Industry for decades and decades.

Well known throughout the Realty Industry for her other beloved Real Estate Agent How To books such as; (the award winning) Tomorrow’s Real Estate Agent, A Must Business Guide and The ever popular, Fundamentals of Realty Consulting, Author Gerri Leventhal takes her Real Estate Agent Students even further with her newest biz guide book.

     Cyber Buzz – Online Traffic for Realtors is a Real Estate Agent’s Web Success Blueprint filled with signature, advanced marketing lessons and Agent and student tested promotional theories designed to help new and seasoned Agents stand out from the herd so they can dominate their Realty Niche Specialty and Sales Territory as experts and with authority. A Realtor’s Career Training Tool that pays for itself over and over.


Google is a Realtor’s Best Friend



     Take Advantage of the Many Ways Google Makes it Easy for You, a Local Realtor to Recreate Your Community’s Vision of Your Local Property Market Scene. Dominate the Web by understanding All the Many Google Apps, Tools, Programs and Advantages Google the Most Powerful Online Entity Offers Realtors for defining Your Local Real Estate Industry Niche. Own Your Sales Territory by Mastering and coordinating all Google makes available to you for: research, lead generating, social media, analytics, promoting, a free blog, search engine ranking, targeted advertising!

     Master putting to use just a little of Google; Blogger, G Plus, Advance Search, AdSense, Analytics, YouTube, Maps, G Suite, Google’s Cloud, Gmail… and you can rule your online Realty Scene! Yes Goggle lets you manage your business, store, save data, organize, analyze and promote. Once you know how to coordinate all the power and energy of Google’s suite of business products and services, you become a very efficient consultant for your clients and a community spokesperson online and offline.

     Leverage Google to recommend you first, to online searchers. Learn how to apply inexpensive, yet very, targeted ads to get your marketing messages in front of large e-audiences filled with potential clients.

     Realtor, Broker and Author Gerri Leventhal’s New Realtor’s Google Handbook, ‘Google is a Realtor’s Best Friend’, offers direction, advice and guidance to the novice and any online struggling Real Estate Agent. All Real Estate Industry Professionals can learn to succeed and profit by using the web to its fullest. You too should be capitalizing by putting to work the many Google Tech Advantages to out distance your competition.

       "You Are About to Up Your Business Game!"

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